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The translucent white matrix braced with blue fire and black patches denotes the crystal which is popularly called as Rainbow moonstone. sense of new beginning, great crystal to use for your new moon or no moon rituals. Helps in skin, hair or eye problems.
A intense protection crystal this brings a very deep sense of being protected and especially during the change of energy dynamics at time of shift in moon energy. Besides it also has a typical property to bring unique calmness and composure when connected to. This crystal balances the energy flow and bring about a sense of being complete and accomplished, which in turn helps to reduce the stress and related thoughts of fire fight.
Helps to prioritize and take the life the way it is with sense of surrender and belongingness. Promotes compassion and inner peace and let you be you undisturbed by the outer environmental changes thus making you more adaptable and mutable.
1) Cleanse with running water or smudging 
2) Hold a piece of rainbow moonstone and bring it closer to your heart 
3) Center yourself at heart and let the energy flow to dissolve all the emotional blockages and thought processes
4) let the cool flow of water engulf your entire body and relax and surrender to it.
5) Stay in this meditation for the duration you may deem fit and post that you may come out of it.
6) Repeat this for some days to be balanced and calm. You may carry this crystal along-with if you feel like.

Rainbow Moonstone

SKU: CB005
₹660.00 Regular Price
₹528.00Sale Price
    Image by Content Pixie